D-I-Y Coaching:
Coach Yourself to Success for Free!
A slightly weird offer that may get no takers or may get lots.
But if you take the time to follow the simple instructions, it could transform your internet business over the course of the next month (and beyond)
No massive sales pitch – you’ll instinctively know whether this is for you or not.
Plus there’s no cost for the main offer anyway.
Here’s the overview:
I sent out an email recently asking how many domains people own and how many they’re actually using.
The answers varied wildly.
Anything from zero upwards.
Nothing consistent in the answers, which was a bit of a downer as I was hoping to put on a free webinar but it would be too much for some and too little for others.
Maybe I’ll do more than one webinar and let people select the most appropriate. But that’s moved down my “to do” list so it may not happen.
Let’s take a step back…
This system applies:
- Whether you’ve got zero or more domains
- Whether you’ve got zero or more income from your internet marketing
- Whether or not you’re forever buying the next shiny “breakthrough” product and whether or not those products are actually working for you
- Whether or not you’ve got a direction you want to go in
- Whether you’ve got one income stream (maybe a job) or lots
- Whether your goal is to hit $10 a month, $100 a month, $100,000 or any other figure
You probably need help getting to the next stage.
You could hire me as a coach – that would be good from my point of view as it’s a nice chunk of cash.
But chances are you’re sceptical about the likely results or don’t have/don’t want to spend the amount of money involved.
What if there was a “lite” option?
Not lite in the sense that you wouldn’t have to do any work.
But lite in the sense of not too much money and not too much time commitment.
Or even a free “tyre kicker” option?
Keep reading to find out what that is!
Would that work for you?
August is a quiet month here in the UK.
Holidays, that kind of thing.
Whilst I’m not at a loose end – chance would be a fine thing – it does mean that I can offer what’s effectively a taster coaching option.
Limited time on my part, limited cost on yours.
If that leads to a longer term commitment, great,
If it just kick starts you, great.
If it’s not for you, no hard feelings, keep doing whatever you’re currently doing until you’re ready to change (always assuming you need to change) or…
If you just want to dip your toe in the water with no cost and no commitment whatsoever, that’s fine as well.
What will be involved?
With my help, you’ll come up with a target you’d like to achieve. Somewhere you want to be in 30 days time (the clock starts ticking now!)
That’s usually a drill down process and you’ll need to do some research. I don’t know you personally and even if I did it’s much better that you choose something you want to achieve rather than it being something you feel you “should” do.
Shoulding yourself is almost never a good option.
I’ll send you a Word document with a few leading questions. Because I’m making this a free WSO you’ll have to enter your email address to get that document but other than the “cost” of entering your email there’s no other charge and there are no one time offers either.
You’ll also get two “support” videos – one to watch before you answer the 3 questions, the other to watch after you’ve answered them. Not pretending to answer them or just answering them in your head. Actually typing them in to the Word document and pressing the Save button,
You’ll answer the questions as best you can.
There are no right or wrong answers – everyone is different. And anyway, unless you choose the upgrade offer of me helping you, you’ll likely be the only person who sees the answers.
Then you’ll pick something that you want to achieve – if it’s during August you can opt to get help but if you’re off on holiday for the next month, the extra help offer isn’t for you!
If you’re sitting there wondering what to do whilst everyone else is away and want that something to be productive, the extra help offer could be great news.
The extra help is optional – you could do it all yourself if you prefer – everything you need is just a click away
But if you choose the extra help option then depending on time zones and other things, we’ll chat on Skype or by email and fine tune your target.
- If it’s too big, we’ll cut it down to size.
- If it’s too small, we’ll take care of that
- If it’s too wooly, you’ll need to go back through the first process
- If there’s more than one main priority, you’ll need to go back and choose one option – not several
No long essays – if you can’t put your main target on the back of the proverbial cigarette packet then it’s too long and it will never happen.
Closer to a mission statement in length, even though I hate those as they’re almost always written in corporate speak.
Then over the course of the next 30 days you’ll have access to me to keep you on track. Not hours or relentless email ping pong but more than enough access to get you where you need to be next.
It’s a bargain…
I’ll give you the fact finding Word document for free and access to the two support videos free – just let me have your email address.
You complete it in your own time. Maybe even send me the occasional question if there’s some clarification needed (hopefully not).
Then if you decide you need help getting from where you are now to where you want to be in a month’s time, you click the link on the download page and we can sort out some one-on-one time to help you get there.
Obviously there will be a cost involved if you choose to do that – not megabucks but certainly more than a $7 WSO.
But equally there’s a cost involved if you choose to do nothing – it’s just not an obvious cost as no money leaves your PayPal account. (And often, no money comes in to your PayPal account either.)
If you’re good at working under your own steam, you’ll get away with just completing the Word document and sorting out your own action plan. And then putting it into action.
I’ll even include some help to get you there in the free download you’ll get – two videos and the PDF of the slides used in the videos.
So you could do this whole process for free
But the clock starts ticking if you want help…
Sorry, but August 2015 doesn’t last forever.
You’ll have until the end of Friday 7th August to decide whether or not you need help getting to where you want to get.
After that date, you’re on your own as far as this offer is concerned.
I’ll gently remind you when the offer is about to expire because we all tend to forget these things.
And I’ll also set an increasing price on the extra help because it’s good to reward action takers and that’s the easiest way to do it.
So each time someone takes me up on the offer, the price will creep upwards.
Yup, that’s the scarcity option coming into play.
- Time scarcity – the low priced offer expires completely after 7th August.
- Price scarcity – the price goes up with each sale.
And unlike a lot of offers those are both real.
It’s decision time!
If you’re happy where you currently are, click the back button or close the browser tab. And take my best wishes for your success with you.
If you want to answer a few (seemingly) simple questions that will help you get to the next stage of your internet marketing, click the download button below.
Do the usual stuff – enter your email address (twice – once for Warrior Plus, once for AWeber because although the two claim to talk to each other that seems hit and miss in practice) and then set aside some time to work your way through the questions.
They will involve some thought on your part.
And probably about an hour of your time initially. Your brain might ache a bit by the end of that time but that’s a good sign.
Unless you take me up on the extra help offer, only you will know your answers. So be honest with yourself.
Then put your plan into action.
That’s the really important part!
Otherwise this is just like all those New Year resolutions no-one ever keeps.
It doesn’t matter whether or not you complete all your plan during August or even at all.
What matters is that you jolt yourself into action.
Even if you find that the direction you wanted to go in doesn’t actually appeal as much now (remember some of the things that you wanted to do as a kid but now just seem daft).
So take the first step and click the download button now:
All the copywriting courses say I should put in a P.S. so here goes:
P.S. It’s your choice.
You can get the free questions.
You can answer them (or not)
You can move forward (or not)
No-one can force you to take action apart from (maybe) yourself.
Your choice.
But – again as they say in those copywriting courses – if you don’t take action on this, chances are you’ll be in the same place in your business in a month’s time as you are now.