Free Business Strategy Session

Right now I’m offering a handful of Business Strategy Sessions to my customers.

I’ve set aside an amount of time to do these calls this week – and it’s first come, first served.

Here’s how it works:

1. First drop me an email with your first and second choice of the times that you’re available from this list:

  • Tuesday 10th December, 8pm GMT (3pm EST)
  • Wednesday 11th December, 8pm GMT (3pm EST)
  • Thursday 12th December, 8pm GMT (3pm EST)
  • Tuesday 17th December, 8pm GMT (3pm EST)
  • Wednesday 18th December, 8pm GMT (3pm EST)

If none of those work for you, drop me an email and we’ll see what we can work out! Remember to include your Skype ID …

2. I’ll contact you to confirm if you’ve got the spot and will call you on the available day and time we agree…

3. You and I will take a look at your business, your biggest business problems, your business goals, and possible paths to your goals.  You’ll do most of the talking :)

4. If we get on well together and if you want to take things further, we work out a plan to do that. If not, that’s OK as well.