Internet Marketing Coaching


Internet Marketing Coaching

Internet marketing is just like any other business: despite the claims of the adverts, it needs time and effort on a regular basis.

Sure, the dream of the 4 hour work week is there but that’s pretty much what it is for most: a dream.

But you can certainly make money on the internet and you certainly don’t have to slave over a computer keyboard for what seems like forever. Just probably not for as little as 4 hours a week unless you only want enough cash to cover a few bills here and there.

Most internet marketers start out dazed and confused and often things don’t seem to get better with time.

The trouble is, the business is constantly changing.

Directly or indirectly, unless you’ve got a multi-million budget, most websites rely on the search engines (or something similar) for traffic.

Maybe the search engine is called Google.

Maybe it’s YouTube.

Or maybe it’s a social site like Facebook or LinkedIn.

Whatever it is, unless you actually own that site, you’re relying on them for your business.

We’ve done that for years. The economist Adam Smith called it “division of labour” and it’s meant that our society has come on leaps and bounds as we can split tasks between lots of people and generally become more efficient.

What’s changed?

The digital era is kind-of the same. But it’s also different.

Sure, we’ve dealt with faceless companies before now.

If you tried getting your phone line installed or fixed 20 years ago you’ll know that the phone companies weren’t renowned for outstanding customer service.

Even today here in the UK I recently got quoted a 4 week wait to move a phone line from one floor of a building to another floor in the same building.

But at least it got done.

If it had been Google, I’d have been subjected to a series of almost certainly computer generated emails (Turing test style) with a built-in delay so that their computer could pretend it was really a human answering.

Nothing else.

And no promise that I’d actually get what I wanted or – if I did get it – whether it would continue to be provided.

If you’ve ever had your Adsense or Adwords account cut off at a moment’s notice, you’ll know the power these internet giants have.

They are judge, jury and appeal court.

And their decision is final and near enough irreversible. They make lynch mobs look caring.

And that’s what we’re faced with every day when we go about our internet marketing!

The good news is that – at least most of the time – the major rules are fairly easy to follow and it really is possible to live something close to the internet marketing lifestyle without having to resort to dubious methods.


Doing all that on your own isn’t easy.

When there’s no “boss” apart from yourself, it’s easy to put things off or ignore them.

You’ve probably got a bunch of domains doing nothing.

They seemed a good idea at the time.

And you keep renewing them each year because you’re going to use them “soon”.

Then you go off, buying the latest report on niche marketing or video marketing or whatever other shiny penny is being peddled.

You buy it.

Read or watch it.

At least part way through.

Then you give up on it.

You fool yourself that you’re going to come back to it “tomorrow”.

But in reality, you know deep down that won’t happen.

What you need is someone to help you move forward in the right direction.

Or – at the very least – move forward rather than stagnate or move backwards. Both of which are extremely easy to do.

There are various ways to do this:

  1. Find a mastermind group and join it. If that’s available to you, grab it. It’s far and away the best way to grow your business. Unfortunately, with the time and availability differences it’s not something I can offer here (although I’ve got my thinking cap on).
  2. Join a group coaching program where you can listen in to a regular training and maybe ask questions relevant to your business. This can work well but it depends a lot on you. And it’s very easy to think that you’re busy this week so you’ll just listen to the recording and will save your burning question up until next week. I offered this at one stage but have now incorporated it into a targeted membership site – read the next point.
  3. Join a membership site. Depending on how the site is run, this is a kind-of similar option to a group coaching program but at a lower cost. It is often on a single topic (mine is based on affiliate marketing) but at a much deeper level than a regular product plus – in my case – the benefit of being able to ask questions, something that’s rarely possible with a regular product.
  4. Take the plunge and have a personal internet marketing mentor. Either on an “on demand” basis or for a pre-set number of weeks or months.

That fourth option is the one I’m offering here.

Because everyone is different, there’s no pre-set package to buy.

Instead, you’re in charge.

What I offer

  • A strategy session. This may be all you need to get you moving in the right direction. Or you might choose to have these sessions when you hit a stumbling block, so there could be two or three in quick succession, followed by a gap, then another session, and so on. This works well for a lot of people as there’s no monthly fee to pay. It’s just done on an ad-hoc basis to solve whatever’s cropped up. A strategy session usually lasts around an hour and we’ll usually talk on Skype. During the session we’ll drill down to what’s really holding you back and you’ll probably have a series of steps you need to do to get you moving forward in your business again. All for a pre-agreed price that won’t wreck your budget.
  • Coaching or mentoring. This is usually for a pre-determined amount of time. As with the strategy sessions, it will be a call on Skype at a mutually agreed time. The main difference is that instead of it being a one-off call, it will be a regular one. The frequency varies – most people start off with a weekly call and then reduce the frequency as their experience and confidence grows. There’s also email support between the calls and even the option of an extra call or two if that’s the quickest way to sort something out. So you’re not left alone, pacing up and down, waiting for a response. The first call would be a strategy session that would map out what you’d need to do before the next call as well we working out the bigger picture you’re aiming for. Some people like this to be ongoing. Others prefer it to be for (say) 3 months, followed by strategy calls as and when needed. If that sounds vague it’s because this is tailored to your exact needs and everyone is different. Normally this is for a pre-agreed price and you can pay it all up-front or on a monthly basis, whichever you’re happier with.
  • Email support. This is a good option if you’re on a low budget but still need help. It also works nicely when we’re in different time zones (I’m in the UK) and/or when the free time in our schedules doesn’t easily match up (that happens a lot). Unlimited email support for your internet marketing on a month-by-month basis.

This deal isn’t for everyone.

You need to be serious about earning money from the internet.

Your goal should be to be earning a lot more than you’re paying me!

Maybe not immediately after the first session – despite the glossy headlines, the internet almost always takes time to react – but certainly it shouldn’t take too long. Partly because if you’re ready for this, you’ve probably got a lot more knowledge than you think you have – you just need to know how to use it.

How will it work?

You’ll need to fill out an application form (sorry!)

I’ll look at what you’ve put and I’ll get back to you.

If I don’t think we’d be a good fit (maybe you need something that’s outside my areas of expertise) then I’ll say so. If that happens, I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction with someone who is an expert in that area.

If I do think we’d be a good fit, I’ll drop you a message and we’ll take it from there.

There will likely be homework after each session – that’s the way this works. I’m not going to sit behind you and watch you type out an article or whatever else we decide! But you already know that this needs you to do some work either yourself or outsourced to someone else.

This really is tailored to you.

We can cover things like:

  • Internet marketing – broad brush “is that likely to work” through to “precisely how do I do that?”
  • Video marketing – what works, what doesn’t work, setting up your channel and your videos to drive people to your website, etc.
  • Content marketing – whether it’s content on your own site or on feeder sites (document sharing, and so on). Also including quick and effective keyword research and using long tail keywords to drive traffic.
  • Affiliate marketing – ways to get more revenue from your site without turning it into a pushy salesman.
  • List building – if your niche lends itself to building a list, we can cover everything from the list building through to communicating with your list.
  • Offline marketing – for some niches this can be incredibly lucrative. Most advertising is difficult to target and even more difficult to justify but direct mail can often pay for itself many times over. Mail boxes are less cluttered than they used to be and mail still gets opened and read.
  • Product creation – anything from the giveaway you use to get people on to your list through to complete products that open up new markets.
  • Outsourcing – once you get beyond the simple stuff like Fiverr and iWriter (and even those can get complicated) it pays to get help from someone who’s been there, done that. I’ve managed over 200 projects on Freelancer, bought almost 400 gigs on Fiverr and over 600 articles on iWriter so there’s a fair chance I can help you get the best from your next outsourced project.
  • Kindle and CreateSpace – these can help to cement your expertise or they can turn into a revenue stream of their own.
  • Udemy – another place to show off your expertise and earn money from it.

Internet marketing has a lot hiding just below the surface.

Like any good coach or mentor, I’ll only be able to point you in the right direction.

If you want someone to do the work for you, hire them separately. There are plenty of people around and I’ve had lots of experience with outsourcing so I can help you ask the right questions and do the little things that save a lot of money and frustration.

And actually, even the statement “pointing you in the right direction” is maybe a bit misleading because it suggests there is only one direction you could possibly go in.

You’ll probably know from my other work that there’s rarely a single “right direction”.

Which means that part of our sessions will be helping you find what’s the best direction for you at that moment in time.

Because sometimes you’re just throwing good money after bad. But you’re too stubborn to admit it. So it might fall to me to tell you what you know anyway but haven’t cared to admit, even to yourself.

This isn’t a magic bullet.

You’ll need to make it work for you.

My part of the bargain is to be available for those Skype calls or email messages and to help you clarify where you need to go next and what you need to do to get there.

It’s maybe a weird thought – no agenda, no instant solution – just a profitable adventure ahead.

Plus the ability to tap into my experience.

I’ve been on the internet since 1995. When I first started out, autoresponders were as hard to find as hen’s teeth (the first autoresponder I used was paid for in cash whenever the owner came to my town), PHP had just been invented (but wasn’t widely available), Amazon and eBay had just come online, Google was nowhere to be seen, nor was Facebook (or even Myspace), WordPress didn’t exist.

So I’ve been around the block enough times to know what works, what doesn’t work, what’s likely to be a good use of your time and what’s best avoided.

I’ll also be blunt enough to tell you if what you’re proposing doesn’t seem sensible. Or at least get you to ask yourself the right questions to find out whether it is really likely to fit with you. Again, the kind of questions that could save months and lots of money.

Having gone off on more than one expensive business wild goose chase myself (they all seemed the world’s best idea at the time – hindsight is great!), I know that there’s a lot of value in that alone.

I enjoy one-on-one strategy sessions and helping people grow their business to heights they didn’t think were possible.

But they are intense sessions and I know couldn’t spend all day, every day, on them.

So there aren’t many places available.

I’m not going to place a hard limit on the places, so you won’t see the usual internet marketing hype of “only 7, 5, 3, 2 spaces left…”.

It’s simple

You need to complete the application form first.

Depending on what you write in that, I’ll figure out whether or not we’re likely to be a good fit.

If we are likely to be a good fit, I’ll message you back and we’ll take it from there.

So, what happens next?

Well, if you’ve read this far I’m guessing you’re serious.

You probably skimmed to the bottom of this page first to find out the price and then found out there’s no price shown, just an application form.

Regardless of that, you’re almost certainly ready for the next stage of your internet marketing career.

Maybe you’ve earned some money online already. Maybe it’s been sitting there like the pot of gold at the end of rainbow, taunting you.

Whatever stage you’re at in your internet marketing career, this will help you get to the next level. So long as you’re prepared to do some work (or outsource what you don’t want to do yourself).

The deal is simple monthly. Whether it’s a single strategy session, several strategy sessions or longer term coaching or mentorship (remember to mention which you’re thinking about in the form).

If you don’t want to join me on this offer at the moment, that’s your choice. No hard feelings. As I said earlier, I know this isn’t for everyone.

But if you do want to join me, click the link below and complete the application form.

We’ll take it from there.

I look forward to working with you personally and helping you to grow your internet marketing business.

Coaching Application
