Is article writing any different for affiliate marketers than it is for any other internet marketers?
Personally, I don’t think so.
The aim of an article is two fold:
- Convince the search engines to put your article high up in the search results
- Convince real people to read your article, click on a link and buy whatever it is you’re recommending
Search engines are fickle at the best of times.
They have so many possible pages to show you and so many people trying to outwit their computer programs that it’s a game of cat and mouse. And despite what you’ve seen in Tom and Jerry, the cat (Google) almost always wins.
That’s why I tend to concentrate on exceptionally long tail keywords. The kind that no-one in their right mind would suggest you target.
Why do I do that?
Because – contrary to every expectation running through your head – it works.
Google suggests the keywords I choose.
And it does that based on what real people are searching for.
Most of the time, no-one is targeting that phrase but people are searching for it.
So I write an article based on that phrase.
And I’ll write in much the same way as I would if I was talking to you face to face.
Which means I’ll go off at tangents, I’ll explain things in different words and I generally won’t aim to come across as a pushy salesman.
That technique works a treat for your affiliate marketing articles.
It catches people off guard – not that you’re aiming to do that, just that it happens.
They treat you more like a friend or a trusted advisor than as a peddler of an affiliate product.
Which is precisely where you want your article to be in their mind!
That’s the real trick to affiliate marketing: don’t market.
Leave the hype and the pushiness to the sales letter.
And if it’s too far over the top, mention that in your write-up. Then give some valid reasons why it’s worth looking past the hype, ignoring it as much as possible, because the product is actually sufficiently good that it doesn’t need to be hyped.
Always assuming that’s true.
If it’s snake oil, you shouldn’t be promoting it. Regardless of the size of the commission cheque.
And don’t be afraid to point out the bad points either.
That’s realistic.
If someone asked me about Windows 10 at the moment (September 2015, a month or so after it’s been launched) I’d say that I’m waiting until Microsoft’s publicly available beta test has had chance to iron out the worst of the bugs and glitches.
I’d also say that I’m glad I’m not using Edge, their new browser, as it looks boring.
I’d say that despite Firefox increasing the version number every time I blink, rather than doing the old fashioned technique of just increasing the number after the decimal point, there’s a good chance I’ll still be using it on Microsoft’s gleaming new system.
Then I’d mention that they need to fix the white bars at the top of the various windows without me having to hack the registry.
But apart from that, it seems like progress, which is more than could be said for Windows 8.
That was easy enough wasn’t it?
You can do the same in your articles.
Just be real and honest.
And drop the occasional affiliate link so that people can explore the sales page and so that some of them can buy the product.
No pressure.
Which works on lots of levels.
Including getting shown in Google’s results.
Probably never for the way you thought you’d get found – that’s fine. Google are getting cuter at delivering ever more personal results so I wouldn’t expect you to get the same search results as I do even if we’re in the same room at the same time.
Let your article flow nicely onto the screen – it will if you give it enough freedom and don’t try to edit while you write.
Affiliate marketing can be fun – you really can outperform the big guys when you treat it personally and put your character into the words you write.
People reading your articles should feel that they know you.
When you get to that stage, pat yourself on the back.
But even before then you’ll start seeing those affiliate commissions materialise more often.
And to get more of an edge with your affiliate marketing, watch this free video.