Picture this:
- You’ve just bought a new product.
- You’re full of good intentions.
- You’re really going to use this one! Not let it rest on the shelf of your hard drive like countless other products you’ve bought.
Then reality kicks in, life gets in the way, and that shiny new product stays in that folder on your hard drive that’s full of countless other products you’ve bought but never quite used…
Using this simple checklist will change that.
You’ll have to use it and answer the questions but that should be easy.
After all, the sales letter has prompted you to purchase and that must have triggered something.
All you need to do is take a short time to answer each of these 4 questions.
You don’t need to spend a long time doing this – normally the first answer that springs into your mind is the correct one.
But running through this list is a bit like watching the safety instructions before a flight.
It helps focus your mind.
So here’s the checklist:
- What outcome do you want from this product?
- What is your purpose for buying this product?
- What actions do you need to take to achieve this?
- What excuses have you used to date that have prevented this from happening?
That’s it.
Nothing complicated.
There’s no deep, hidden, meaning to any of those questions.
That said, the last one is disarmingly powerful.
Especially when you’ve answered the first three.
So the next time you buy a product – whether it’s one of mine or someone else’s – run through those 4 simple questions.
Take a few seconds to answer each of them.
Answer honestly – there’s no point in trying to fool yourself.
Then start to use the product you’ve just bought:
- Read or listen or watch it
- Actually carry out the exercises and examples in it – now, not “later”
- Put it into practice in real life.
- More than once – because most things are like learning to ride a bike, you won’t learn everything you need to know the first time
- Then evaluate and apply that knowledge to the next product you think about buying.
- Because unless the product was really skimpy, it probably includes everything you need to know until you’re at least at an intermediate level.
- So re-visit it and notice all the seemingly insignificant parts that now leap out at you but you’d missed the first time.
Using this checklist could easily be the difference between earning money from a product you’ve just bought or letting it rot on your hard drive, untouched.
You owe it to yourself to do this.
At least once and ideally every time you buy a new product in internet marketing or elsewhere.