Getting More Sales by Showing You Are the Expert


As a general rule, people respect experts and listen to their opinion. Television shows are always bringing on experts – often with deliberately conflicting views!

You probably already know your subject.

So how can you show you really are the expert?

One of the easiest ways to get in front of people is through the internet.

A post like this one on your website will get picked up by Google and – depending on how you’ve written it – should begin to show up in the occasional search results.

Probably not often – that tends to only happen in specially chosen case studies – but if you repeat the process often enough then the visits to your site will build up.

In fact, that’s probably the biggest “secret” to becoming an expert: writing lots of articles, producing lots of videos, etc.

If you’re prolific then so long as you’re also talking sense, chances are that people will begin to regard you as an expert because they’re always coming across the things you’ve produced.

Another way is to write a book.

That sounds daunting but actually isn’t. Honest!

The page size in books is smaller than regular A4 paper, so a 100 page paperback is probably only about 60 “real” A4 size pages.

Still quite a bit of writing but not a gigantic amount – depending on the amount of white space and the number of illustrations maybe in the region of 20,000 to 30,000 words.

Of course, you wouldn’t write all those words at once but if you set yourself a target of writing 2 pages a day (which with practice would take about an hour) then you’d have your book finished in around a month.

You can then pay someone on a site like Fiverr to create a cover and format your book – there are two separate formats needed, one for Kindle, the other for Create Space.

Self publishing on Kindle is really easy – you can check out my course about it here.

Create Space is Amazon’s print-on-demand book publisher which means that they print professional quality paperbacks one at a time, after the order is placed.

Or you can get short runs of paperbacks printed if you prefer to give them out in place of business cards – even if no-one reads your book, there really is no easier way to prove you’re an expert!

Check out this video for more ways to show that you’re the expert:

