Is it just Internet Marketers who Make Money Online?


Make money online is one of those phrases people love to hate.

It can often seem that people are just in it to make money.

But is that true?

I nearly didn’t make a post about it because it has so many negative connotations.

But one subscriber recently said they thought the only people making money online were teaching other people to get into the same business. So I thought it was time to put the record straight.

The thing is, we tend to get more of what we focus on.

That’s a truism and there’s a whole self help industry based around that thought alone – it started in the 1930’s. maybe earlier, with a book by Wallace D Wattles called the Science of Getting Rich.

The book is available on Amazon but is heavy going to read as it was written for a different generation – if you’ve read Think and Grow Rich and found it not an easy read, be prepared for at least the same with Wallace D Wattles book.

In turn, that means there’s a whole industry that’s sprung up to make the book accessible.

That single book is big – there are whole weekend seminars based on it as well as the course I linked above – and it’s only a tiny section of the self help industry.

But we can get blinkered.

If you’re in a particular niche, chances are that you sign up for lists in that niche to the exclusion of most other things.

If you’re in any doubt about the mixture of industries that are selling products online, start with Amazon.

With the exception of the Kindle and maybe one or two other products I’m unaware of, everything on there is made by companies other than Amazon.

Kindle books are easy to create and more than one self published author has made a large chunk of money with a wide variety of genres including fiction as well as recipe books and near enough any other topic you can imagine.

Swap across to Clickbank and sort the whole marketplace by popularity and you’ll find all sorts of offers that are selling.

When I checked this included female fat loss, woodworking, reversing diabetes, dating (which is a sufficiently large industry that it can afford to advertise on television), texting your ex back, products that would ordinarily be filtered to your spam folder, numerology, forex trading, survival, recipes, improving your eyesight, getting rid of acne and learning to sing.

And that was just on the first page.

In fact, almost none of the top 50 products on Clickbank when I looked were directly about making money online.

I’ve not checked but my guess is that none of the best selling products in the various App stores are either.

Even I’ve heard of Angry Birds and that’s definitely not in the make money genre.

All of which means that there’s people making money in almost every conceivable niche.

Further reinforced by the over 800 titles in the hypnosis program that I sell. Everything from fears and phobias through quitting a variety of habits and a lot more.

After that quick pep talk your mind should be buzzing.

People are earning cash online from almost anything.

You can too.

You just need to decide the direction you want to go in and what help you need to get there.
