What Site Layout Should You Use?


WordPress offers two main layout formats for sites:

  • A static main page which never changes unless you specifically decide it should
  • Your latest blog posts (excerpts or in their entirety) so they move off it as though they were on a conveyor belt

Which of those layouts you should use is a matter of personal choice and how you want your site to look.

The search engines don’t return whole sites when they give you the search results, they give you a list of possible pages (sometimes including videos and documents) that you can choose from. Plus the inevitable dose of adverts and sometimes a map if their algorithm thinks you’re looking for something in a local area.

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One month of 2016 left – what are your plans for 2017?


At the time of writing, there’s one month left to the end of 2016.

That’s one deadline that’s real (in so far as any concept of dates is real) and won’t move.

Traditionally, we wait until the end of December or the start of January to reflect back on the year and make plans for the new one.

But that’s not really any different from the countdown timers we see on all those sales letters.

It’s an arbitrary date, just one that a lot of our society agrees to work with.

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What is Vlogging and Should You Use It?


I saw a TV program yesterday that mentioned vlogging (video blogs) and how they were being used for covert advertising.

The “boy or girl next door” videos were actually being as close to professionally produced as they could get away with, without coming across as that.

So the background was usually the teenager’s bedroom and the videos were done in selfie style, albeit with the occasional cut where the video hadn’t been shot in one take (probably much like the pauses I use but they show up a lot more in videos with face shots than they do in slide presentations)

The descriptions below the videos were long.

Often very long. That’s an excellent tip right there – remember Google and YouTube index words much more efficiently than anything else.

And the products being mentioned were all conveniently linked in the description.

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How Do You Know You’re Doing The Right Thing in Your Internet Marketing?


It’s often difficult to know whether or not you’re doing the right thing in your business.

Partly because there’s often no agreement on what’s right and what’s wrong/

I was recently reading a post about getting links to your website – something most of us at least try to do because it’s one of the things on most internet marketing checklists.

Amongst other things, the post said that he was convinced he knew what he was talking about because he’d spent several thousand dollars to test the ideas.

That’s a lot different from most internet marketers who’ll read a piece of news and take it as the truth with no testing whatsoever.

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How To Get Your Internet Marketing Business Off The Ground


Sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start (or go next) in your internet marketing business.

There are so many conflicting views and ideas. Some of them are out of date, others never really worked, others are so complicated that you’d need a degree to be able to figure them out.

As with a lot of things, the trick is to keep your internet marketing business as simple as possible.

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Stop Using a Bucket List to Run Your Internet Marketing Business


I’m writing this on Black Friday, it’s appropriate to ask whether you’re using a shopping list or a bucket list for any bargains (real or imagined) that you’re aiming to buy.

Because the same question applies in your business – not just for those (usually optional) extras that you’ve been thinking about but also for the products and services you’re offering.

Personally, I tend not to buy anything specifically on Black Friday for much the same reason as I didn’t wait for the January Sale in my younger days.

I’ve always been fairly cynical about the supposed bargains on offer and never really seen the point of queueing up to buy something just because it’s cheap. Nowadays even less so because the general retail climate is one of almost perpetual sale prices so I can get the same bargain for near enough the same price any day of the week.

In your business, the shopping list versus bucket list applies to both sides of your business:

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How to Find Time for Your Internet Marketing


Finding the time to do things in your internet marketing business can be awkward.

At the time of writing, it’s coming up to Thanksgiving which means a lot of the world will be away from their screens and actually interacting with people. Or – as seems maybe more likely from recent experience – sitting round, staring at their phone. Very weird in my view but maybe I’m too old to see the appeal when there’s the opportunity for real conversation.

Either way, it seems as though modern life has more things to do than their are hours in the day.

That can be a negative because we’re subject to the same problem as marketers. Increasingly it seems to be a case of “stealing” 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, maybe getting up a few minutes earlier, possibly burning the mindnight oil and going to bed a bit later. I find the early mornings work better for me as there are less distractions and less excuses to put things off until tomorrow.

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