Planning your internet business is boring but important.
Too often, our internet businesses just “happen”. Some of that is due to outside influences – we can’t control what the search engines do, for instance – but the more proactive you are, the better your chance of success.
Of course, you need to do what you’ve planned rather than leave it sitting around getting bored!
Have a big picture
A big picture is often called a goal.
You need to have an idea of what your internet marketing business is going to look like in a few months time so that you can aim to get there.
I was vague with the number of months in that statement because we all vary but I’d suggest that it’s 3, 6 or 12 months depending on you.
For some people, 12 months is fine. For others, it’s too far away and will never happen. Even though the years fly by for most people.
If this is the first time you’ve done any real planning for your internet business, I’d suggest that you start with a 3 month plan as the end is already in sight and you’re more likely to keep to it.
Aim big
There’s no point in aiming small – that could just be the natural variation on the web or in the seasons.
So don’t aim for the traditional bricks and mortar business targets of single or double digit growth.
Aim to maybe double your internet income in the next three months.
Your planning will be different with this kind of taget – it doesn’t leave room for half measures.
And if you miss it, so what?
Because if you’re planning to double your business in the next 3 months and you “only” get a 50% increase, that’s still pretty good.
Whereas if you planned for 6% growth and only got 3% (half your target) that’s not much good.
I’ll leave you to work out the difference if you achieved double either of those targets.
Implement your plan
Your plan for your business isn’t a bucket list.
It should be a blueprint for where you want to go.
Which means that you need to put steps in place to get from where you currently are to where you want to be.
If you’ve decided on a 3 month plan, put in at least weekly steps for how you’re going to get there.
And for at least the first week, add in some daily steps as well.
As each week comes to an end, sketch out what you’re going to do to get you closer to your target for the next 7 days.
And so on.
Tweak and modify your plan as necessary. No plan is perfect!
And don’t be afraid to seek help.
If you’ve got the monthly budget, join a tutor group.
If you haven’t got the monthly budget at the moment, get some other help like this. Because if you’re not getting where you want to be, it’s more than likely it’s your mind that’s stopping you.
Planning an internet business is pretty much like planning any type of business. Having a ‘business plan’ and a proper structure to your business is essential. The main difference between an internet business and a ‘normal business’ is the amount of control that you have over results. With a normal business you are able to see the results of your efforts reasonably quickly, and make adjustments accordingly. With an internet business , particularly if you are relying on Google rankings, you are likely to do a lot of work without necessarily seeing tangible results for some considerable time.