Tag Archives: digital product creation

Digital Product Creation: Keep It Easy for People!


One of your main jobs when you create a digital product is to keep things as easy as possible. There was a tagline for an advert a while back that said “because life’s complicated enough” and that’s true for near enough all of us, near enough all the time.

We look for time savers and things to uncomplicate our lives – even if we end up buying expensive gadgets that we don’t really know how to use and that sometimes complicate more things than they solve. Admit it, most of the features on your mobile phone are still completely unused!

That’s actually the dilemma.

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An Overview of Creating your own Digital Product


Digital products are great: they’re quick to produce and cost almost zero to deliver.

You need to have an idea that you want to turn into a digital product and some way of creating it.

Apart from that, if you’re making an audio or video product you may need to get used to talking to yourself again but that’s not difficult and you’re not showing the first signs of going mad if you go down that route.

Indeed, it’s how I create most of my digital products. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

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A Simple Digital Product Creation System


Digital products are everywhere. Whether it’s the miniscule dips that get read by lasers when you play a CD or DVD, an on demand video, a Kindle book or anything else.

We’re becoming accustomed to digital products being everywhere.

And if you produce anything for your customers on the internet, digital products are definitely well received and are easy to produce once you get yourself into the swing of things. Which is where a digital product creation system comes into its own:

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