Tag Archives: email marketing

Email Marketing: How Do You Relate to Your List?


With email marketing, the money really is in the list.

But only if you do it right.

If you relate to your list well and come across as helpful and human then people will be more likely to buy.

If you relate to them badly then they won’t.

Of course, not everyone reacts the same – the phrase “one man’s meat is another man’s poison” springs to mind – so you won’t please everyone.

But the more people you do please, the better.

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Email Marketing: Who Are Your Writing Your Emails To?


Most internet marketers write emails, usually to their lists.

That probably applies to you – you’ve built up a list of subscribers and you send them emails.

Likely most of those emails are written ahead of time and get sent out at pre-determined intervals by your autoresponder service.

But precisely who are you writing to?

If you don’t know the answer to that question, you’re missing a trick and a lot of sales.

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