Tag Archives: product creation

What Kind of Sales Page Should You Use for Your Digital Product?


It stands to reason that digital products need a sales page.

But what should you use?

There are conflicting opinions and they’ve probably all got at least some merit.

Here are some of the most common sales page options currently in use – you’ll need to test what works best for your particular product.

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Digital Product Creation Tips


Digital product creation can be easy if you know what you’re doing.

And, of course, that’s the biggest issue most people face: they know bits of what they should be doing but they skip essential parts because they seem too small to be relevant or they miss parts because they don’t know they should do them in the first place.

I can’t cover everything in this short post but these tips should certainly help.

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A Simple Digital Product Creation System


Digital products are everywhere. Whether it’s the miniscule dips that get read by lasers when you play a CD or DVD, an on demand video, a Kindle book or anything else.

We’re becoming accustomed to digital products being everywhere.

And if you produce anything for your customers on the internet, digital products are definitely well received and are easy to produce once you get yourself into the swing of things. Which is where a digital product creation system comes into its own:

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Product Creation


Product creation is something a lot of people fight shy of. But it can be as simple as creating a PDF report that your customers can download – maybe in exchange for their email address so that you can keep in touch with them – or it can be as complicated as you want. Or pretty much any point inbetween.

Creating a PDF Product

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