The Perks of Becoming An Affiliate Marketer


What are the perks of becoming an affiliate marketer?

Aoart from the obvious “perk” of getting commission on sales, are there any other perks that you can look forward to once you’ve begun to establish yourself?

1. Recognition in your market

This is a bit nebulous – after all, what is “recognition”? – but you’ll know it when it happens.

People will ask your opinion about topics in your niche more often.

Maybe you’ll get invited to write for other blogs in your market – or when you approach the owner of the blog, they’ll recognise your name.

Outside your niche, you’ll still be near enough anonymous but inside your niche, people will know who you are and may even feel as though they know you.

It’s almost the opposite of Andy Warhol’s famous for 15 minutes concept. You’ll be famous for rather longer than that, but only within a tightly defined group of people.

2. You’ll get review copies more often

Review copies of things are quite common in the affiliate marketing world.

That’s especially the case with digital products, where the cost of letting you have access to a product is close to zero and the benefit to the product owner when you begin to make sales is a lot higher than the time it took to send you a download link or create a login account.

This is one of the reasons it pays to be interested in your niche. You’ll end up being given items that you would happily have paid for before you began your affiliate marketing career.

I’ve been given access to countless products to review – that’s been happening since at least 2007 in various markets I promote.

Some of them are products I’ll glance at once, never to return. But that would be the same if I’d paid hard cash for them.

Others I’ve used a few times.

And others I continue to use on a regular basis.

It’s a nice feeling to not only get paid for your hobby but to have it subsidised by free products as well.

3. When you’re ready, you can launch your own product

This might seem a long way ahead.

For me, it took over 5 years and I was still nervous.

But for others, it’s taken less time.

Mike from Maine has taken this one step further.

Not only has he launched his own products but he’s helped launch other people’s products. His June income report goes into a lot of the detail behind doing that.

And it took his affiliate earnings up a notch in the process.

As I said, not something that will happen immediately.

But as your confidence grows, there’s a bigger chance of it happening.

4. Higher commissions

This doesn’t happen every time or in every industry.

But when it does, it’s a nice perk.

Once you start generating a decent number of sales, the product owner starts to take notice.

Amazon do this automatically – they have a tiered commission payout.

Some companies on sites like Commission Junction and Affiliate Window do the same.

Others will just increase your commission (maybe out of the blue, maybe if you ask nicely)

As I said, it doesn’t always happen but when it does it’s a pleasant experience.

5. Leaderboard prizes

Lots of niches have competitions every now and then.

It doesn’t just happen at product launches – there was a competition from one self help company I promote that happened because it was a good idea to do so.

The more authority you have in your niche, the higher your chance of making sales and taking a prize.

And even if you don’t get the top prize, your name and position in the niche will be firther reinforced.

if you’d like to start becoming more of an expert in your niche and getting some of the perks that go with that status, take a look at this free video.
