Repurposing your content means that you’re finding extra ways to reach potential customers with the content you’ve created.
Not everyone searches the web the same way – some will use Google, others Facebook, YouTube or lots of other ways.
The more of these ways you can cover, the more chances you have to be found.
Tweet It
You can do this automatically – there are plugins for WordPress that will create a Tweet for you or you can use sharing buttons like one on this page to create a Tweet and make sure that it reads well.
If you’re the forgetful type then it’s definitely worth installing a plugin that will do the Tweeting for you.
Facebook it
Facebook isn’t just for students any more.
In fact, teenagers are moving away from it as they don’t like being followed everywhere by their parents.
But most people are using Facebook and logging in to it on a regular basis.
The advantage with Facebook is that you have longer posts then Twitter and that they stay on the timeline longer than the conveyor belt of messages that comprise Tweets.
You can also add images and videos into your Facebook posts, making them more noticeable.
Turn it into a video
I do this but not as regularly as I should.
Copy your post into a Word document and insert page breaks roughly every half page. Or copy it into something like PowerPoint.
Then capture your screen using a program like Screencast-o-maticand read the article out loud.
Upload the video to YouTube, give it a good title and description and let people who prefer to watch content rather than read it find your video.
You can also link back to your site and embed the video on your own site as well, giving more people the opportunity to watch the video.
Podcast it
Some people prefer listening to watching and it’s certainly a lot more flexible – you can listen to an audio in the car, while you’re commuting, walking or near enough anywhere else.
You can extract the audio from a video – there are programs available to do that if you’re screen capture program doesn’t offer it – and then upload to various podcast sites such as iTunes.
Turn it into a document
Take the Word or PowerPoint document that you used when you were creating your video and upload it to one of the document sharing sites such as or
They will put it on their site and people can read it there or download it if they prefer.
Make it into an infographic
If you’re graphically challenged, you can do this using a site like Fiverr.
You can then use the infographic on your site, put it on Facebook, Tweet about it and pin it on sites like Pinterest amongst other places.
Expand on the topics
Every single bullet point on this page could be expanded into a much longer post.
It’s a quick and easy way to come up with ideas for new content.
And if you get in the habit of making most of your posts in this style you’ll be able to go into the more popular posts and find several topics that you could expand on and create new content for.
Post the content on forums
Forums tend to be shorter posts that blogs so you’d need to condense down what you’ve put in your post and then gently lead people to your blog for more information.
Be careful how you do this – most forum users don’t appreciate you just copying and pasting an article and pretending that it’s a post.
It’s better to turn one salient point round into a post or reply.
If you’d like more help, check out my internet marketing university weekly call.